Cultural and creative industries, cities and citizens fostering sustainable development and well-being. logo
Cultural and creative industries, cities and citizens fostering sustainable development and well-being.
July 11th - 13th
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Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) are at the heart of the creative economy by ensuring the continued development of societies and being a powerful vector for the creation of competitiveness, cultural wealth, innovation, and employment. 


Knowledge-intensive and based on individual creativity and talent, these industries generate not only considerable economic prosperity while strengthening social cohesion but are also critical to a shared sense of European identity, culture, and values. 


About the event:

The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union will organise a European conference to reflect how the CCIs contribute to improve people's quality of life by creating solutions through Culture and Science. This event will be held in Barcelona from the 11th to the 13th of July.


The event will display, in a demonstrative, interactive and participatory way, CCIs’ European and collaborative projects and initiatives that are not only innovative and sustainable, but also accessible, affordable, socially committed and enriching for all in line with the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative. In this way, the conference will show cultural and creative industries as social and innovative drivers.


Venues - Barcelona:

 - Liceu Opera House - 11th of July

 - Disseny Hub Museum - 12th and 13th of July

 - CosmoCaixa - 12th of July


The event will be streamed through FECYT communication channels:

- Streaming for the 11th July:

- Streaming for the 12th July:

- Streaming for the 13th July:


Organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), in partnership with the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Barcelona statement


Barcelona statement on cultural and creative industries

The Barcelona Statement on CCIs Cultural and creative industries,
drivers of innovation for prosperity and well-being


The Barcelona Statement on Cultural and Creative Industries, launched as part of the policy framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, reflects the main conclusions of the presidency event “Cultural and creative Industries, cities, and citizens fostering a sustainable development and well-being” held in Barcelona from the 11th to the 13th of July 2023.


You can review the complete statement here:

Download statement


10 commitments of European Cultural and Creative industries to strengthen cooperation



The Barcelona Statement on CCIs proposes 10 actions to be taken by the cultural and creative industries to improve and boost cooperation for the benefit of the European economy and of citizens:



1 To work towards shared values of the cultural and creative industries, across differences in size, background or origin of the companies, centres, or institutions. 

2 To take advantage of opportunities that facilitate networking and cooperation, and support the long term sustainability of a European platform for collaboration between CCIs. 

3 To join forces to promote the cultural and creative industries at a European scale. 

4 To contribute to the development of better methodologies of analysis of the CCIs. 

5 To contribute to bring stronger evidence on the economic and social impacts of the CCIs, providing scope for policies that can better leverage the strengths of the CCIs. 

6 To support the creation of specific instruments for supporting CCIs. 

7 To contribute to a better common understanding of trends and of the geography of the cultural and creative economy workforce. 

8 To engage in local, national and European strategies to promote the skills needed for the CCIs. 

9 To commit to equal opportunities. 

10 To explore innovative connections between cultural expressions and Science.


If you agree with the 10 actions of the Decalogue, you can endorse it here:

Endorse the Decalogue




The list of people, together with the institutions they belong to, that have already endorsed the Decalogue is the following:


Name Surname Institution
Inmaculada  Marco Arce Gestocio 2000 
Borja Izquierdo FECYT
Debora Domingo-Calabuig Universitat Politècnica de València
Gintauta Zemaitiene Research Council of Lithuania
Miquel Rubi Ajuntament de Barcelona 
Gigi Guizzo Rinova 
Valerio della Sala Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Ana Carolina Rodríguez Agencia Empresarial para la Transformación y el Desarrollo Económico (TRADE)
Laura Valle Cerezo Agencia Empresarial para la Transformación y el Desarrollo Económico (TRADE)
Gaspar  Carrasco-Huertas TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L.
Cristina  Portales Universidad de Valencia 
Eugenio Navarro TESELA, Materiales Innovación y Patrimonio S.L.
Flavio Escribano Fundación
Jose Alberto Simon Montesinos Feeel 3d
María José Olivera Vázquez FYCMA
Marta Tabernero Urbieta CM Málaga Culture And Museums International Tech Forum. 
Pedro Vera Candeas Universidad de Jaén
Pilar Tassara Andrade Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales 
Zoa  Escudero Fundación Santa María la Real del patrimonio histórico
Susana López Fundación Santa María la Real del patrimonio histórico
Paula Conte García Fundación Santa María la Real del patrimonio histórico
Ernesto López Fundación Santa María la Real del patrimonio histórico
Ricardo  Iglesias García Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Maite Arrondo
Maite Arrondo
Maite Arrondo is an expert on the right to adequate housing and has been working for the past 8 years as a consultant on innovation in housing policies. She is currently working for the Housing and Renovation Institute of Barcelona Municipality where she supports the international social and affordable housing agenda through international networks, events organization such as the European Housing Research Conference. Additionally, she works part-time for the Spanish Foundation HOGARSÍ working to end homelessness. She is engaged with the UN Homelessness Working Group and the European Housing First Hub among others. She has recently joined the Advisory Board of the European Association for Local Democracy.
Piero Baglioni
Piero Baglioni
Piero Baglioni is professor of Physical Chemistry at the Chemistry Department, University of Florence, and MIT affiliate. He was appointed as Visiting Scientist/Professor by the Department of Chemistry of the Houston University, Weizmann Institute, Collège de France, MIT. He is the President of the Center for Colloid and Surface Science (CSGI) and member of the Editorial/Advisory Board of several intentional Journals, national and international Academies and Societies. He is author of more than 500 publications in the field of Soft Matter and colloids on books, largely diffused international journals and 27 patents. He pioneered methods and materials for the conservation of Cultural Heritage worldwide used in Museums, conservation institutions and by conservators.
Daniel Bisig
Daniel Bisig
Daniel Bisig holds a PhD in Natural Sciences. He is a member of the dance company Instituto Stocos, partner of the Premiere project, and researcher at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology of the Zurich University of the Arts. He works in the fields of Dance and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Generative Art.
Antonia Blau
Antonia Blau
Antonia Blau is the director of the Goethe-Institut Madrid. From 2015 until 2020 she was responsable for the EU office at the Goethe-Institut Brussels where she got to know different European programs in the sectors of culture, education, civil society and youth. From 2012 to 2015 Antonia Blau coordinated the creation of an antenna of the Goethe-Institut in Marseille in the framework of the European Capital of Culture Marseille-Provence 2013. She is interested in the contact points between politics and arts and culture in an international context and holds an German-French PhD from the Universities in Hildesheim and Aix-Marseille.
Stefano Boeri
Stefano Boeri
Stefano Boeri, architect and urban planner, is Full Professor of Urban Planning at Politecnico di Milano and directs the Future City Lab at Tongji University in Shanghai, a postdoctoral research program exploring the future of contemporary metropolises. Since 2018, he has been president of Triennale Milano and chairs Forestami, the urban forestation project in the Milan metropolitan area. Architect of the Bosco Verticale, built in Milan in 2014, Stefano Boeri’s work ranges from planning architecture and urban visions to design, with a constant focus toward the geopolitical and environmental implications of urban phenomena. Boeri is known for his research, visions and master plans on the future of the urban condition in the world and is among the leading players in the climate change debate in the field of international architecture.
Rickard Bucksch
Rickard Bucksch
Rickard Bucksch works as Policy Officer in the unit ‘Fair Society and Cultural Heritage’ at the Directorate General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission. Rickard is responsible for developing and following up research and innovation actions under Horizon Europe Cluster 2, where the cultural and creative industries count among the main areas of his portfolio. Rickard has held positions of responsibility in both academic and private sector research and innovation across several European countries. Rickard holds two Master degrees, in Electronic Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and in Business Administration from IESE Business School in Barcelona.
Irene Calvis
Irene Calvis
Irene Calvis holds an Art History degree from the University of Barcelona, an advanced degree in Leisure and Tourism from ESADE. She has been responsible for the LiceuApropa social program at the Gran Teatre del Liceu since 2013. Previously, she was part of the Venues department and Patronage at the Gran Teatre del Liceu (2008-2013), public relations of the Gran Teatre del Liceu (2002-2008), tour management for the theater distributor and producer Anexa (1999-2002), and guide in exhibition halls and museums for Serveis Educatius CIUT'ART SL.
Annalisa Cattani
Annalisa Cattani
Annalisa Cattani is an Italian artist and a Scholar of Rhetoric, Public Art and New Media. Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. She has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad, among which the Venice Biennial with the Group “Oreste”. She has collaborated with Public administrations and with the European Community for Public Art Participatory Projects.
Grazia Concilio
Grazia Concilio
Grazia Concilio is an engineer and associate professor of Urban Planning and Design at the DAStU Politecnico di Milano (Italy), on the theme of digital innovation and transformation of urban contexts and leads CALL research lab. Grazia holds a PhD in “Economic Evaluation for Sustainability” at the University of Naples Federico II. She has carried out research activities at RWTH in Aachen, Germany (1995), at IIASA in Laxenburg, Austria (1998), and at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada (2002). She has been a team leader and coordinator of several international research projects (FP7, H2020, HE). She is currently coordinating the project PALIMPSEST, a New European Bauhaus related project.
Débora Domingo-Calabuig
Débora Domingo-Calabuig
Débora Domingo-Calabuig is an architect PhD and professor of Architectural Design at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV-Spain). Her interests include the methods, means, and impact of architectural research. She is a recipient of the 2020 edition of the Lilly Reich Grant for equality in architecture, and a member of the NEB Goes South team. She currently holds the position of Vice-rector for Sustainable Development of Campus at the UPV. The functions include planning and launching the university's ecological transition project to achieve carbon neutrality, implementing actions for sustainability in the university spaces, and disseminating a culture of environmental awareness.
Mariachiara Esposito
Mariachiara Esposito
Mariacharia Esposito has a background in European policies, social sciences and humanities, and an extensive work experience on cultural policies at European level. Since 2020 she is working as Seconded National Expert at the Cultural Policy Unit of the European Commission, DG EAC, in charge of cultural heritage, research and innovation and the cultural dimension of sustainable development. Main responsibilities and roles include leader of the member states’ Open Method Coordination (OMC) group of experts on Culture and Sustainable Development; coordinator of culture and cultural heritage research topics in Horizon Europe’s Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”; policy manager of the CHARTER Project on a sectoral skills alliance for cultural heritage.
Bernd Fesel
Bernd Fesel
Bernd Fesel has been a serial entrepreneur in the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries for over 25 years and is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the EIT Culture & Creativity. Prior to this he held the role of director of the European Creative Business Network, as vice director of the European Capital of Culture in the Ruhr Region and was senior advisor to the legacy institute of RUHR.2010 until 2018: the European centre for creative economy in Dortmund. He also played a role in EU initiatives such as JRC-Creative City Monitor, Voices for Culture program and ENCATC.
See all (44)


Liceu Opera, Barcelona: Exclusive session (only for speakers and authorities).
Liceu Opera, Barcelona: Social Event, Performance
Registration: Disseny Hub, Barcelona
Welcome: Disseny Hub
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 1 – Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries: A culture and creativity driven European innovation ecosystem – launch of the collaborative platform
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 1 – Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries: Video exhibition (CICERON, DISCE)
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 1 – Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries: Lecture1
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 1 – Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries: Exhibition
Coffee break
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 1 – Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries: Performance
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 1 – Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries: Creative roundtable
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 1 – Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries: Future outlook
Lunch break-cocktail
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 2 – Culture, CCIs and the New European Bauhaus: Inspirational talk
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 2 – Culture, CCIs and the New European Bauhaus: Lecture 2
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 2 – Culture, CCIs and the New European Bauhaus: Lecture 3
Coffee break
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 2 – Culture, CCIs and the New European Bauhaus: Roundtable 1
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 2 – Culture, CCIs and the New European Bauhaus: Lecture 4
End of second day
Social event 2: Exhibition. IAAC Circular Cities Challenge (Creative Europe). At CosmoCaixa
CosmoCaixa, Barcelona: Social Event, Exhibition & Cocktail
Cocktail - At CosmoCaixa
Registration: Disseny Hub, Barcelona
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 3 – Innovative art and quality of life in cities: Opening session
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 3 – Innovative art and quality of life in cities: Lecture 5
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 3 – Innovative art and quality of life in cities: Performance
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 3 – Innovative art and quality of life in cities: Roundtable 2
Coffe Break
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 3 – Innovative art and quality of life in cities: Sensorial performance
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 3 – Innovative art and quality of life in cities: Mesa redonda 3
Lunch break-cocktail
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 4 – Citizen engagement: Dramatized talk with a comedian
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 4 – Citizen engagement: Lecture
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 4 – Citizen engagement: Roundtable 4
Coffe break
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 4 – Citizen engagement: Roundtable 5
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 4 – Citizen engagement: Award ceremony
Disseny Hub, Barcelona: Axis 4 – Citizen engagement: Clossing session
End of Event


Complete programme / Programa completo
Barcelona statement on cultural and creative industries 2
Circular Cities Challenge Digital Book

Video Gallery







FECYT, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Culture and Sport of Spain, organize the conference "Cultural and creative industries, cities and citizens fostering sustainable development and well-being" from July 11 to 13 in Barcelona to promote R+D+i in the sector of these industries.

The event will display, in a demonstrative, interactive and participatory way, CCIs’ European and collaborative projects and initiatives that are not only innovative and sustainable, but also accessible, affordable, socially committed and enriching for all in line with the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative. In this way, the conference will show cultural and creative industries as social and innovative drivers.

Title: The S+T+ARTS initiative – Regional Centers and open calls

Projects to be presented:

Projects' open Calls for artists will be presented with more than 1M€ opportunities.

Title: On the future(s) of design and maker education: Critical reflections and opportunities for pedagogy and curricula.


Parallel sessions

During the celebration of the event on Cultural and Creative Industries, the Disseny Hub Museum of Barcelona will host parallel sessions related to European scientific-cultural initiatives.

Capacity: 80 people.

The recorded streaming is available at the Video Gallery


Wednesday 12th July 15h-17h


Title: The S+T+ARTS initiative – Regional Centers and open calls

Projects to be presented:

Projects' open Calls for artists will be presented with more than 1M€ opportunities.


Thursday 13th July 15h-17h


Title: On the future(s) of design and maker education: Critical reflections and opportunities for pedagogy and curricula.


Circular City Challenge

Circular City Challenge exhibition and award



The Circular Cities Challenge is a unique event organized by the Distributed Design Platform and hosted by Fab Lab Barcelona | IAAC. It provides an immersive learning experience in Barcelona for creative talents worldwide. Focused on implementing the Circular Economy in cities and regions, this challenge aims to empower designers and enhance their skills to drive regenerative change.


During the week-long challenge, 23 young creatives will be selected to embark on a transformative journey. Working in interdisciplinary teams, they will tackle specific material flow challenges across various design contexts such as food, electronics, textiles, energy, and data. The teams will be guided by Mercabarna for food, UPC-EIT InnoEnergy Masters in Energy for Smart Cities for energy,  Reimagine Textile and RMT S.A. for textiles, and Materfad and Clic Recycle for natural materials."


This challenge goes beyond theory, as participants will bring their ideas to life by creating tangible prototype solutions for real-life challenges. It provides a platform for designers to showcase their creativity, problem-solving abilities, and commitment to positive change. By collaborating and reimagining possibilities, these talented individuals will play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable and prosperous future for cities and beyond.


Within the framework of the Spanish Presidency event, the prototypes created in the Circular Cities Challege will be exhibited at the CosmoCaixa, Barcelona, and evaluated by European experts related to innovation, science and culture. During the closing session of the conference, the two most popular works will be selected by the audience and the experts. All the


All the works and profiles of the creativities have been collected in a Digital Book as a result of this project recognition.

